"Extraordinary" is the word which best describes my last two=plus decades of songwriting, dreaming, and working with Joel Someillan. Now, with the imminent release of Hidin' Downisland, our first album release in the not-so-new-anymore millennium, iInstead of being the rabbit sprinting ahead at breakneck speed, I find myself these days squirming as I acclimate to the tortoise-like pace required in today's music market.
Still, the rabbit hole is there, and it does go quite deep: as Joel continues to refine our live production materials, structure rehearsals, and assemble the most compelling music performance "experience" - his word, not mine -- I am working hard to get my voice ready for the first real live performances in many, many years. There is an old cowboy saying: "No leg, no horse." In the context of the music I've written and performed "After All These Years" (pun very much intended), it is fair to say that "No Joel, No Jose Latour music". Thank you, Joel.
One day soon, after countless hours of scolding me on my timing, my weird, inexplicable mid song key changes, and my bad air guitar moments, Joel and I will again be performing our music in South Florida...and the distant hoofbeats of Caribbean Cowboys will again resonate over Biscayne Bay.
Will keep you posted! jose